Sendmail use this file to "alias" email to users, groups, script files or even Mailmanagers.
With a standard Linux installation, this file is for some reason located in the /etc directory and not in the /etc/mail directory like the rest of the email configuration files.
I believe it is best to keep all the email configuration files in one directory, so I suggest you MOVE the /etc/aliases and the /etc/aliases.db files into the /etc/mail directory. Once you have done this, you MUST edit the /etc/mail/ file and change the location where sedmail is looking for the alias file. so you need to edit /etc/mail/ and look for the line:
" O AliasFile=/etc/aliases "
Change this line to read the following:
"O AliasFile=/etc/mail/aliases"
Write and quit the file, and again do a " service sendmail reload " or just run that sendmailreload script I have posted previously.
Lets look at the contents and the uses for the aliases file.
Option 1:
If you need to forward mail to more than one mailbox, example is sales, then you would use the aliases file. Inside the virtusertable file, you will state that goes to user account lin001.
Then in the aliases file, you will have the following line to forward the mail to 4 other users as well, even external mail account, the following is the exact line:
lin001: user1, user2, user3,
or user1, user2, user3,
Option 2:
If you need to forward mail for a specific user to himself and someone else, because he is on leave, then you would do the following. \jdoe, user2
The \ in front of the username prevents the mail from looping that that user. Since the virtusertable already relay the mail to that user, you will create a loop of mail to that user by sending it to them again in the alias file.
Option 3:
You need to run a script file when someone sends an email to your server, almost like list managers, but normally used to send someone a legal disclaimer or something. The following line in the aliases file must be used. /path/to/script/file
Option 4:
The MD is going oversee on a business trip, and wants his email forwarded somewhere else, or to the branch where he is going, do the following.
This will forward all mail to another mail address as specified.
Option 5:
The MD wants his mail to be kept on the server AND sent to the other email address as well, then do the following: \ltrovald,
Remember to write a quit the /etc/mail/aliases file, and run the following command before reloading sendmail
makemap hash /etc/mail/aliases.db < /etc/mail/access
service sendmail reload
That is it, please post comments if you need more help.
1 comment:
I want to have 1000s of alias email and its depend on the program i have, also I would like to add or remove alias. Each alias will need to forwarded to its real email id
I am not able to find any concrete solution.
I need a way to add it through
include a file which will have all alias and manage it from php
i can access all mail from php code and then send it to real address
Thanks in Advance
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